Breakfast has been hailed as the most important meal of the day, so quite naturally it feels like there is an added pressure to "get it right". Breakfast if done right, can set the tone for our day with the right fuel!
Finding what works for you, that gives you lasting energy throughout the morning is the most important when stacking a breakfast habit!
Here are some great tiny habits to stack. Also, before 4pm, you should know what you will be having the next day. Be intentional!
Tiny Breakfast Stacking Habits
Drink a glass of water or lemon water before my breakfast
Eat within 30 minutes - 1 hour of waking
Break my fast when I feel ready (usually no later than 12 hrs after I went to sleep)
Take my time eating my breakfast
Have something warm for breakfast (oatmeal, breakfast bowl, breakfast wrap, soup, bone broth)
Incorporate one fruit high in fiber (apple, pears, peach, raspberries, blueberries)
Prepare breakfast the night before (overnight oats or quiche is a great start)
Drink my caffeinated coffee or tea after I eat (never on an empty stomach)
Swap my morning soda for a hydrating option (fresh springwater, coconut water, kombucha, fresh smoothies, and green juices)
Swap my latte or coffee for a green tea or herbal tea
Swap the milk in my coffee/creamer for a plant-based milk (almond or flax)
Nix the whip cream on your latte or Frappuccino
Add a healthy protein to my breakfast (boiled or scrambled egg, vegan protein shake, turkey or chicken breakfast sausage with not nitrates/nitrites)
Incorporate healthier carbs & proteins over bagels, english muffins, and bars (Ezekial bread, avocado, black beans, scrambled eggs, steel cut oats, overnight oats, plain greek yogurt, breakfast smoothie)
Stay tuned for more habits to choose from!