Cortisol is our main stress hormone. Due to modern-day living, many people are feeling the effects of elevated cortisol. Learn how to balance your cortisol levels.
If you have any of the symptoms below, your cortisol levels may be off balance. Use the methods on the next page to help control cortisol levels.
Symptoms of chronically elevated cortisol levels can include:
Gut issues (bloated, pain, diarrhea, constipation, food sensitivities)
High blood pressure
Low libido
Mood swings
Poor concentration
Poor sleep quality
Skin slow to heal
Weakened immune system
Weight gain
Eat These Foods
Eat These foods help your body metabolize cortisol
Whole Grains
Olive Oil
Pastured Eggs
Get quality sleep.
Here are some things that can improve your sleep:
Take magnesium glycinate before bed.
Avoid electronics one hour before bed.
Use blue light blockers in the evening.
Create a consistent bedtime routine.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol three hours before bed.
Avoid late night eating
Exercise within limits
Exercise both creates and uses cortisol. If you are someone who is often anxious or has signs of excess cortisol, you may want to avoid or limit high-intensity workouts to twice per week. Low and moderate-intensity exercise can be very helpful in controlling cortisol levels.
Laughter and social time
Laughter has been shown to directly reduce cortisol levels. Positive socialization stimulates a part of the brain that initiates the release of cortisol antagonists (hormones that work in the opposite way that cortisol does).
Fish oil
Supplementation with omega 3 fish oils has been shown to reduce blood plasma levels of cortisol during episodes of perceived mental stress.
This ancient herb has been shown to reduce cortisol and feelings of anxiety. In a randomized controlled study, there was a significant drop in serum cortisol levels after 60 days of ashwagandha use.
Positive physical contact
Physical contact with someone you are fond of (spouse, friend, child) releases oxytocin which is a cortisol antagonist. Give many hugs!
Avoid/limit these foods
Processed seed oils
Refined flour and sugar
Caffeinated drinks
These foods can increase the release or slow down how our bodies metabolize cortisol.
You can also have your cortisol tested via saliva or bloodwork, but ultimately the work that has to be done is in rejuvenating your adrenal glands, managing stress, and finding proper outlets.