"Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad if my period stopped coming if I don't have to deal with these symptoms "
If I took a poll, I'm pretty sure that well over 70% of women would be okay if their period never returned again. This is also something that is a topic of conversation every day in practice.
But after unpacking this a bit, the true discord is actually with the period pains, headaches, mood changes, heavy flow, random pimples, and just overall discomfort that makes you feel less than yourself.
I've been there and didn't even realize PMS was a thing for me until I was ready to conceive and started to pay closer attention to the symptoms I was feeling throughout my cycle. On the outside I was good, but I was fighting on the inside with not being easily agitated (my poor husband and his socks didn't stand a chance), ridiculous energy dips, and bloating that was so uncomfortable that I had no desire to be social.
Since figuring out the reason behind all of those symptoms and how they correlated with my cycle I've pretty much become obsessed with never feeling that way again, and I want to share a few tools that you can use that I use daily to feel my best.
Because at the end of the day, our period is actually a good thing, even better known as our fifth vital sign it has the ability to provide insight into what's really going on in our health.
Your hormones are not the root cause, but they're giving off clues as to what is.
I've built a whole community on this, but in this article, we will talk about:
What PMS is and Identifying Common Symptoms
Believe it or not, PMS is actually a myth. A very strong one that has impacted over 75% of women with a collection of uncomfortable symptoms. The symptoms begin about two weeks before your period starts. This two-week time span is also called the luteal phase and is basically the preview to the movie (your period).
After a while, we get used to the previews and accept them as normal, popping ibuprofen, losing our cool, or just dealing with feeling miserable, but PMS is actually not normal.
So if you've been experiencing symptoms such as these leading up to your period:
Moodiness, agitation, or being short
Very fatigued
Headaches that increase around your period
Acne or extra large pimples
Extreme cramping
Nausea or feeling like you've caught the flu and then it resolves
Uncontrollable cravings (whether sweet or salty)
Or these characteristics during your period:
Very heavy bleeding
Light bleeding or absence of bleeding
Extreme pain during ovulation or on the first day of your cycle
There is hope and it is possible to have a more enjoyable cycle, which is what I'm going to help you do in my masterclass. Secondly, once you understand the root cause of your symptoms, then we can unwrap the layers like an onion, and that's when it becomes easier to sustain the changes you make!
A Common Imbalance Causing Your Symptoms
If you've read Menstrual Phases 101, there is a common trend of our hormones shifting in each phase contributing to how we feel. These shifts and fluctuations are supposed to happen, but one very common one that I see go wrong on a daily basis is the estrogen-to-progesterone balance, mainly in the luteal phase, and this is what contributes largely to the symptoms listed above.
An imbalance in estrogen (typically excess) and progesterone (typically lower) is the most common cause of these symptoms. A few things can contribute to this imbalance, but the most common ones are diet choices (think things that cause excess inflammation like sugar, dairy, coffee, fad diets, and low fat)the pill, stress, and underlying root causes. These factors rob the body of key micronutrients needed for hormone balance.
Other underlying root causes can include:
Stress (Increased cortisol levels to deal with stress lead to decreased progesterone which is needed to balance out estrogen)
Thyroid imbalances (low function-hypothyroid or autoimmune Hashimoto's)
High testosterone/androgens
Inflammation is due largely to diet, food intolerances, lifestyle, stress, and other sources that feed inflammation and poor detoxification or liver function.
Xenoestrogens from environmental toxins in candles, perfumes, household products, and personal care products
High caffeine consumption (depleting crucial nutrients and derailing blood sugar balance).
An underlying gynecological condition such as endometriosis or adenomyosis
An imbalance in the gut biome, resonating toxins, or parasites
Oftentimes, it is more than one of these causes that we identify and work to rebalance.
Important Labs to Pay Attention To
Complete Iron Panel
This includes Iron, Iron Saturation, Ferritin, TIBC, and UIBC. This is helpful in ruling out any Iron deficiencies which play a large role in your energy levels and if you have heavy blood loss during your cycle.
Comprehensive Blood Count with Differential + Metabolic Panel: To take a thorough look at the health of your red and white blood cells, helping to rule out infections, immune system deficiencies, and nutrient deficiencies like B vitamins, vitamin C, and hydration levels.
Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, ALT, and GGT: These are all liver enzymes. An overworked or sluggish liver is a fatigued (and sometimes angry) person, but also one that is not able to break down excess estrogen and help excrete it. It can be a great insight into how your liver detoxifies as well as nutrient deficiencies contributing to your sleep and wake cycle.
Hormone and Thyroid Panel + Insulin & Glucose: Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol, T3, Free T3, T4, Free T4, Free Thyroxine Index, TPO, and Antibody (these rule out Autoimmune issues). These are essential indicators of what is going on at a cellular level, as our hormones are neurotransmitters and need certain nutrients and minerals to thrive. These will also help in ruling out underlying causes like PCOS. The thyroid also plays a large role in the coming and going of your menstrual cycle.
It's important to note what phase of your cycle you're in when completing hormone bloodwork.
Speaking of Minerals and Electrolytes: Minerals are the body's spark plugs. Minerals are often overlooked but are arguably one of the MOST important factors in our health regarding energy, muscle fatigue/cramps, relaxation, heart rate, and mental energy. Minerals & Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous.
How to Get Relief from PMS
You may have skipped straight to this section because at this point you're ready for action.
I share the basics of how to get relief from PMS inside my free guide the PMS Cheatsheet.
Balance your plate like a boss
Nix the sugar
Become a Carb Swap Queen
Lean on Natural Remedies
This guide is a great starting point and is exactly where I started. So if you feel like you may have started these steps, but need more support, I've got you!
I have since taken these methods to another level called the B.L.I.S.S Method. This is where you see those stubborn symptoms lift and that brain fog clear. I do this inside my PMS to B.L.I.S.S Masterclass.

Here I will share all the details with no fluff, help you Decode your Period Health Quiz, Share the Supplement Combos you need to succeed, and add exclusive bonuses like the Cycle Syncing Cheatsheet, the Gut and Liver Reset Guide, Meal Guides, and more.
One gap I see in the clinic daily is in the realm of support when you start to make all of these changes which is why I have also created a safe space outside of social media to host a private group where Q&A and Coaching are included so you don't feel lost at any point.
The road to less PMS takes consistency and support even when you feel like calling it quits, accepting the symptoms, and depending on birth control.
Join the waitlist for my masterclass releasing January 2023!