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How to Naturally Boost Progesterone

Writer's picture: Monique ReyMonique Rey

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

Progesterone, produced by the ovaries, is key in ovulation and bringing our little blessings into the world. But progesterone can often be overshadowed by estrogen when she's in excess. When this happens you can experience common symptoms including ovarian fibroids, cellulite, weight gain, painful periods, mood swings and bloating.

When progesterone levels are happy, you will feel calm and relaxed, and you also experience a more pleasant menstrual cycle. Low progesterone has an impact on estrogen levels, which can, in turn, have an effect on your thyroid levels.

When her levels are not ideal, you may notice yourself feeling more edgy, irritable, or even emotional before your period.

Ideally, when menstruating, in the second half of our cycle, if progesterone is in balance we experience less PMS (anxiety, cramps, backaches, out of control cravings, etc).

Menopausal and Post-menopausal women often benefit from natural progesterone to help with hot flashes and night sweats in conjuction with estrogen. Biodentical is the way to go!

Overall, we want to make sure that progesterone keeps estrogen in check while we are busy doing all the other things, so we can feel a little less cray!

Here are some natural ways to make sure estrogen isn't overriding progesterone.

Foods that boost progesterone

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Salmon

  • Avocado

  • Broccoli

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Spinach

  • Whole grain

  • Leafy grains

  • Curly Kale

  • Lentils

  • Cauliflower

  • Cabbage

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Foods high in fiber are important for helping to remove excess estrogen to promote progesterone balance.

Supplements that boost progesterone

Zinc: this increases the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which is responsible for ovulation, leading to the production of progesterone.

Vitamin B6: this vitamin plays a role in keeping your hormones regulated. Raising these levels can greatly improve and help prevent PMS symptoms.

Magnesium: with over 100+ roles in the body,magnesium plays a critical role in hormone regulation as it boosts the production of the above mentioned hormone FSH and TSH (both pituitary hormones).

Vitamin C: this has also been proven by research to boost progesterone levels. Aim for 750mg-1000mg

L-Arginine: this amino acid increases circulation in our ovaries and corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is what's responsible for progesterone.

My favorite supplements that helps balance hormone levels is by Vitanica. They have one for menstruating and non-menstruating women! These are so helpful in keeping the calm by adding in key nutrients the body needs during hormonal fluctuations. As always, check with your physician before adding in any supplements (especially if on hormone replacement already).

Another amazing formula that provides all necessary nutrients for hormonal support in the 2 weeks before your cycle is by Marea that has quickly become a favorite because it is such a nice switch from swallowing pills. So great for those suffering from PMS and need a switch up from supplements or in need of better absorption.

Here are some action steps to take 2 weeks before your cyle if you're still menstruating:

  1. Fill your diet with the above foods to boost progesterone and support your body's natural production.

  2. Be intentional about your stress relief and implement gentle workout routines like yoga instead of high intensity workouts.

  3. Choose a supplement to help support your hormone fluctuations



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