Perimenopause is the time leading up to or transitional stage to menopause. It typically happens between the ages of 40-50, but sometimes sooner if there is an existing condition such as fibroids or endometriosis or with surgical intervention such as a full hysterectomy.
In this article, we'll explore:
What happens to the Menstrual Cycle
Hormone Fluctuations that are Occurring
Possible Symptoms you May Experience
How to Holistically Manage Perimenopause
What's Happening to my Period?
During this time, the menstrual cycle tends to get a little crazy. Some women experience the heaviest bleeding that they've ever had in their lives, which can be defeating and untimely. This is usually the biggest uncomfortable symptom I hear. Periods may start to occur closer together, become irregular, and may be heavier and longer than normal.
Hormone Fluctuations that are Occurring
During perimenopause, the ovaries do not ovulate as regularly and the production of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone starts to decrease. This decrease typically starts around the mid-thirties.
Seeing that these are the hormones that keep us balanced, now that they've naturally decreased this will affect our mood, energy, sex drive, and more. We may start to then experience a few more changes including, depression, fatigue, vaginal dryness, heart palpitation, and mood swings. These symptoms can sometimes last for years.
This fluctuation paired with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and nutrient-lacking diet sets the stage for more inflammation and will stir up underlying imbalances in the thyroid or previous conditions like fibroids or endometriosis.
However, it is possible to avoid most of these symptoms and experience some ease with perimenopause as it sets the stage
Symptoms you may experience
Irregular periods
How flashes and sleep problems
Mood changes
Vaginal and Bladder issues
Changes in cholesterol levels
Fertility struggles
Decreased libido
Vaginal dryness
Trouble concentrating
Heavy Sweating
Frequent urination
PMS-like symptoms
Root Causes of Early Perimenopause or Menopause
Eating disorders or poor dietary habits
Surgical removal of the ovaries, usually as part of a hysterectomy
Extraordinarily intense exercise or physical training
Hypofunctioning adrenal glands
Ovarian disease
Holistic Ways to Manage Perimenopause
Increase your intake of plant foods such as legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and other seeds as they contain hormone-balancing plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens.
Ground flaxseeds also contain phytoestrogens and have been shown in studies to reduce hot flashes. In one positive study, women consumed 40 grams of ground flaxseed daily.
Fermented soy foods such as tofu, miso, and tempeh can help reduce hot flashes.
Essential fatty acids protect the heart and promote smooth, radiant skin. Good sources are cold-water fish like salmon, cod, and tuna, as well as flaxseeds.
Vitamin E regulates estrogen production. Make sure to include cold-pressed nut and seed oils in your diet, perhaps as a dressing for a green salad.
Ready to reset your hormones with guidance and recipes?

Inside the 5-Day Reset, Discover how to:
1. Eat the right foods that love your body back and balance your
hormones with ease!
2. Create a daily schedule that sets you up for hormonal health and
real balance in every area of your life!
3. Rid your body of toxins that wreak havoc on your hormones so you
can thrive in true hormonal health!
Your Reset Bundle Includes:
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• Over 40+Easy Recipes
• Meal Guide Suggestions
• Hormone Questionnaire
This guide is perfect for you if you are looking to rebalance hormones, improve energy, improve digestion, and reduce toxins in your lifestyle. Start feeling yourself again with these simple strategies and habits that you can begin to implement right away.